Activities of the Association's Committee between the years 2015 - 2020 

The association's committee holds an annual meeting for all members of the association, in these meetings, which are a continuation of the annual meetings conducted by our parents in the first years of the association at the club on Haavoda Street in Tel Aviv

In addition - the committee publishes the annual bulletin.

At each meeting, member taxes are collected.

During the time of Avraham Gafni as chairman of the association, a website was established for the community, as can be seen, the site is currently being upgraded to a more up-to-date platform.

 A Facebook group has been opened for Mezritch and the surrounding area.

Second generation members of the Jews of Biala Podelsky were invited to our organization to hold joint activities.

 The committee tries to create as many commemorative activities for the Jewish community as possible.

In 2009, the committee, led by Avraham Gafni and Naftali Brezniak, initiated the construction of the sculpture "Prayer" in Rynk by Mezritch, including an impressive journey and ceremony.

In 2015, a model of the Great Synagogue was donated in a modest ceremony at The Lohamey Hagetaoot" Museum.

At the beginning of 2020, memorial signs were inaugurated in the "Cave of Remembrance" at "Yad Vashem", led by Yaakov Goldman, a member of the association's committee.

For years, the meetings took place at the "Yad LaBanim House" in Tel Aviv.

In recent years, we have moved the meetings to the WIZO house in Tel Aviv, around tables with light refreshments.

Each meeting include:

 An annual meeting required by the laws of the associations, including a vote on the details of the budget.

A memorial service for the families of those who passed away last year.

Presentation of the activities of the forthcoming committee.

Lecture on various topics.

In 2015 - a lecture was given by the illustrator Michel Kishka, the son of a Holocaust survivor who wrote a book in the comics about life second ball.

In 2016 - there was a fascinating lecture by Gil Paran, the son of Chaim Farbman and Ruthi Farbman, second generation from Mezritch, head of the Polish Guides Association, Gil told about a large study conducted by him and his mother Ruthie (who is also a Polish instructor A town near Mezritz - Pocha with discoveries they have made in recent years, including meetings with Poles from the area.

In 2017 - an interesting lecture was given by the actress Hadas Calderon, the granddaughter of the great Idish poet - Avraham Sutzkover, who did not receive the proper appreciation in the country. Hadas told about his life, his struggle during the Holocaust and of course about his songs.

In 2018 - we met at the "Tzavta" club for a performance in Yiddish - "The Witch" of the National Yiddish Theater.

In 2019 - we met again at WIZO and won a fascinating lecture by Prof. Hannah Jablonka on the Jewish community's dealings with the Holocaust, during the war and in the years before and after the establishment of the state.

In 2020 - we held a meeting in Zoom, due to the Corona crisis, we heard an interesting lecture by Yossi Gilad on youth movements between two world wars.

The Annual Memorial 2015
